domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017


prefix is a group of letters placed before the root of a word. For example, the word "unhappy" consists of the prefix "un-" [which means "not"] combined with the root (stem) word "happy"; the word "unhappy" means "not happy."
A Short List of Prefixes:
de-from, down, away reverse, oppositedecode, decrease
dis-not, opposite, reverse, awaydisagree, disappear
ex-out of, away from, lacking, formerexhale, explosion
il-notillegal, illogical
im-not, withoutimpossible, improper
in-not, withoutinaction, invisible
mis-bad, wrongmislead, misplace
non-notnonfiction, nonsense
pre-beforeprefix, prehistory
pro-for, forward, beforeproactive, profess, program
re-again, backreact, reappear
un-against, not, oppositeundo, unequal, unusual

A Short List of Suffixes:
-ableable to, having the quality ofcomfortable, portable
-alrelating toannual, comical
-ercomparativebigger, stronger
-estsuperlativestrongest, tiniest
-fulfull ofbeautiful, grateful
-ibleforming an adjectivereversible, terrible
-ilyforming an adverbeerily, happily, lazily
-ingdenoting an action, a material, or a gerundacting, showing
-lesswithout, not affected byfriendless, tireless
-lyforming an adjectiveclearly, hourly
-nessdenoting a state or conditionkindness, wilderness
-yfull of, denoting a condition, or a diminutiveglory, messy, victory,

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